Compass Students Working to Name the "Bear’s Head Tooth" the Designated State Mushroom

Recently WCAX (VT) visited the Compass School to learn about the effort underway in the middle school to name the first Vermont state mushroom.

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Middle school students at the Compass School know a lot about mushrooms.

“They have multiple purposes, they come in multiple shapes and sizes. Some can be pretty small, some can be huge like hen-of-the-woods for example,” said 7th grader Wolfy Holder.

“It can many be found in foliage season and when a lot of visitors come and visit Vermont,” said 7th grader Nicholas Duprey.

“I like to think that I am going to make a mark on the world and thinking about this, it seems like I am going to make a mark on Vermont,” said 8th grader Mustapha Tucker.